Sea Jewel

Recommended Artisan Canned Food

Sardinas guisadas XOUBAS

Sardinillas procedentes de la costa española. Se enharinan y se fríen en aceite de oliva y se elabora de forma casera una receta gallega tradicional con ingredientes frescos.

Mussels in Pickled Sauce

Taken from the Galician estuaries and steam-shucked. After removing the byssus and frying them, they are packed one by one and covered in a mild escabeche.

Sardinas en conserva | Conservas La Brújula

Sardines In Olive Oil

Sustainably captured at dawn in their Atlantic fishing grounds using traditional fishing methods. We select small specimens and carefully clean them, cutting the head and fins and gutting them one by one. After cleaning in brine, they are steam-cooked and packed, also naturally.


Committed to the future of marine biodiversity. We guarantee the future of marine biodiversity by advocating responsible and selective fishing methods. In addition, we provide information on the origin of our raw materials from the point of capture to your table. We look after the environment, as shown by the fact that we have built an underground treatment plant in our factory in order to prevent any adverse effects on the environment.

The Tinned Food Ladies

Darle la máxima importancia. Saber que sin ellas la conserva artesanal sería imposible. Por eso, son nuestras damas.

«Las damas de la conserva son nuestro mayor y más valioso recurso. son las personas que presentan la excelencia de esta empresa».


Processes Of Artisan Canned Food

Cuidados procesos y un exhaustivo control de la seguridad alimentaria. Limpieza, ausencia de aditivos y empacado manual. Prioridad al origen, a la materia prima y a una fabricación artesanal basada en guisos y salsas tradicionales.

Quality seals

Artisan Canned Food

Conservas La Brújula

Conservas la brújula

Rúa Central, 8. 36636 Pontevedra, Galicia.

Tlf.: +34 986 71 60 11

